Tennova Healthcare - LaFollette Medical Center Collects Record Number of Socks
“Socktober” Event for Community Members in Need was a Major Success!
LaFollette, TN – Tennova Healthcare - LaFollette Medical Center employees recently collected socks for “Socktober.” This event is held worldwide for various charities in order to collect the most sought-after item amongst people experiencing homelessness, socks. This year’s Tennova event was organized by Ayanle Shimbir, director of food service and donations went to New Horizon’s outreach ministry and the East Tennessee Office on Aging.
Tennova Healthcare - LaFollette Medical Center employees rallied this year and they collected a record 2,170 pairs of new socks for New Horizons and the East Tennessee Office on Aging to distribute to individuals and families in our community.
“The generosity and hard work of our employees is heartwarming and goes beyond this endeavor,” says Mark Cain, CEO, Tennova Healthcare, LaFollette Medical Center, “They participate in multiple volunteer events throughout the year, some individually and some as teams. They not only represent their field professionally, but on their own time they also demonstrate compassion and care for our community.”
Socktober began in October, 2011, by Brad Montague, who realized there was a large homeless population in his hometown in Arkansas. He wanted to help and researched the needs of the homeless community. During this research, he learned that socks are donated the least to homeless shelters. As a result, Brad decided to do something. He recorded himself singing “Happy Socktober!” as he handed out pairs of socks to people on the streets, then he shared these videos on social media. It wasn’t long before Socktober gained momentum and now participants on all seven continents donate socks to their local shelter.
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